Go to the documentation of this file. 32 #define PROXY(o) (o->this) 33 #define MIN(i,j) (i < j ? i : j) 34 #if !constant(steamtools.get_caller) 35 #define CALLER Caller.get_caller(this_object(), backtrace()) 37 #define CALLER steamtools.get_caller(this_object()) 39 #define MCALLER (CALLER == master() ? PREVCALLER : CALLER) 41 #define PREVCALLER function_object(backtrace()[-3][2]) 43 #define CALLINGFUNCTION function_name(backtrace()[-2][2]) 45 #define CALLERCLASS backtrace()[-2][0] 47 #define CALLERPROGRAM object_program(function_object(backtrace()[-2][2])) 49 #define MESSAGE(s, args...) write("["+Calendar.Second(time())->format_time()+"] "+s+"\n", args) 50 #define MESSAGE_START(s, args...) write("["+Calendar.Second(time())->format_time()+"] "+s, args) 51 #define MESSAGE_APPEND(s, args...) write(s, args) 52 #define MESSAGE_END(s, args...) write(s+"\n", args) 54 #define WARN(s, args...) werror(s+"\n", args) 57 #define LOG(s) werror(s+"\n") 62 #define FATAL(s, args...) werror("-------------------------------\n"+ctime(time())+s+"\n", args) 64 #define _LOG(s) werror("("+this_object()->get_object_id()+") "+s+"\n") 67 #define TRACE(s) werror("["+master()->stupid_describe(this_object())+"]"+s+"\n") 72 #define LOG_DB(s) catch {_Server->get_module("log")->log_text("database",s); } 78 #define SECURITY_LOG(s, args...) if (1) {if (_Server->get_module("log")) _Server->get_module("log")->log_security(s, args);} 80 #define SECURITY_LOG(s, args...) 83 #define LOG_BOOT(s) catch { _LOG->log_boot(s); } 85 #define LOG_EVENT(s) catch{_LOG->log_event(s);} 87 #define LOG_ERR(s) catch{_LOG->log_error(s);} 89 #define LOG_DEBUG(s) catch{_Server->get_module("log")->log_debug(s);} 90 #define PRINT_BT(c) ("Error: " + c[0] + "\n" + master()->describe_backtrace(c[1])) 92 #define THROW(c, e) throw( ({ c, backtrace(), e})) 93 #define IS_SOCKET(o) (master()->is_socket(o)) 95 #define NIL (([])[""]) 97 #define CONTENTOF(x) _FILEPATH->path_to_object(x)->get_content() 100 #define T_STRING "string" 101 #define T_FLOAT "float" 102 #define T_OBJECT "object" 103 #define T_MAPPING "mapping" 104 #define T_ARRAY "array" 108 #define IS_PROXY(o) (object_program(o) == (program)"/kernel/proxy.pike" || object_program(o) == (program)"/kernel/proxy") 112 #define URLTYPE_HTTP 2 113 #define URLTYPE_RELOC 3 114 #define URLTYPE_DBO 4 115 #define URLTYPE_DBFT 5 117 #define MAX_BUFLEN 65504