1 /* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Thomas Bopp, Thorsten Hampel, Ludger Merkens
2 * Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Martin Baehr
4 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 * (at your option) any later version.
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
18 * $Id: debug.pike.in,v 1.1 2009/09/28 14:19:52 nicke Exp $
21 #include "/usr/local/lib/steam/server/include/classes.h"
27 #define OBJ(o) _Server->get_module("filepath:tree")->path_to_object(o)
33 void git_object(object obj, string to)
35 if (obj->get_object_class() & CLASS_DOCUMENT)
37 mapping versions = obj->query_attribute("DOC_VERSIONS");
38 string path = obj->query_attribute("OBJ_PATH");
40 if (!sizeof(versions))
43 versions = ([ 1:obj ]);
46 array this_history = ({});
47 foreach(versions; int nr; object version)
49 this_history += ({ ([ "obj":version, "version":nr, "time":version->query_attribute("DOC_LAST_MODIFIED"), "path":obj->query_attribute("OBJ_PATH") ]) });
51 sort(this_history->version, this_history);
53 this_history += ({ ([ "obj":obj, "version":this_history[-1]->version+1, "time":obj->query_attribute("DOC_LAST_MODIFIED"), "path":obj->query_attribute("OBJ_PATH") ]) });
57 foreach(this_history; int nr; mapping version)
60 if (version->obj->query_attribute("OBJ_VERSIONOF"))
61 newname = version->obj->query_attribute("OBJ_VERSIONOF")->query_attribute("OBJ_NAME");
63 newname = version->obj->query_attribute("OBJ_NAME");
64 if (oldname && oldname != newname)
66 werror("rename %s -> %s\n", oldname, newname);
67 version->oldname = oldname;
70 version->name = newname;
71 if (timestamp > version->obj->query_attribute("DOC_LAST_MODIFIED"))
73 werror("timeshift! %d -> %d\n", timestamp, version->obj->query_attribute("DOC_LAST_MODIFIED"));
76 history += this_history;
80 string from = options->src;
81 if(from[-1]=='/'&&sizeof(from)!=1)
82 from = from[ ..sizeof(from)-2];
87 string temppath = obj->query_attribute("OBJ_PATH");
88 string tempclass = OBJ(from)->get_class();
90 if(sizeof(temppath)>0 && temppath[-1]=='/')
91 temppath = temppath[ ..sizeof(temppath)-2];
92 int s =sizeof((from/"/")-({""}));
93 if(tempclass!="Container" && tempclass!="Room")
95 array temp = (temppath/"/") - ({""});
96 tocreate = to+"/"+(temp[s..]*"/");
99 tocreate = to+obj->query_attribute("OBJ_PATH");
101 if (obj->get_object_class() & CLASS_CONTAINER && obj->query_attribute("OBJ_PATH") != "/home")
105 string base = basename(from);
106 mixed error = catch {
107 objname = obj->query_attribute("OBJ_NAME");
109 if((options->nopath&&!(objname[0 .. sizeof(base)]==base))||!options->nopath)
111 mkdir(tocreate); //CHANGE changed path to name here
113 foreach(obj->get_inventory();; object cont)
115 if(!(obj->get_object_class() & CLASS_USER))
116 git_object(cont, to);
121 void git_add(mapping doc, string to)
123 string from = options->src;
124 string content = doc->obj->get_content();
129 to = to[ ..sizeof(to)-2];
130 //Checks whether there is a / at the end of to, if yes first one writes otherwise second one writes
133 string temppath = doc->path;
134 string tempclass = OBJ(from)->get_class();
135 if(temppath[-1]=='/')
136 temppath = temppath[ ..sizeof(temppath)-2];
137 int s =sizeof((from/"/")-({""}));
138 if(tempclass!="Container" && tempclass!="Room")
140 array temp = (temppath/"/") - ({""});
141 string tocreate =to+"/"+(temp[s..]*"/");
142 Stdio.write_file(tocreate, content); //changed doc->name from /home/coder/demo1 to demo1
143 actual = (temp[s..]*"/"); //to+"/" not needed, as git add using path as to.
145 actual = actual[1..];
149 Stdio.write_file(to+doc->path, content);
152 actual = actual[1..];
154 Process.create_process(({ "git", "add", actual }), ([ "cwd": to ]))->wait();
157 string git_commit(string message, string to, string authorname, string authoremail, int time, int|void isempty)
159 Stdio.File output = Stdio.File();
160 write("committing: %s\n", message);
162 string time_s = Calendar.Second("unix", time)->set_timezone("UTC")->format_nice();
163 errno = Process.create_process(({ "git", "commit", "--allow-empty", "-m", message }), ([ "env":([ "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME":authorname, "GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL":authoremail, "GIT_AUTHOR_DATE":time_s, "GIT_COMMITTER_NAME":authorname, "GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL":authoremail, "GIT_COMMITTER_DATE":time_s ]), "cwd":to , "stdout":output->pipe() ]))->wait();
167 Process.create_process(({ "git", "rev-parse", "HEAD" }), ([ "cwd": to, "stdout":output->pipe() ]))->wait();
168 write("Commit hash : "+output->read()+"\n");
169 return output->read()-"\n";
175 void git_init(string dir)
178 if (Process.create_process(({ "git", "status" }), ([ "cwd":dir ]))->wait())
180 Process.create_process(({ "git", "init" }), ([ "cwd":dir ]))->wait();
181 write("Git Initialized\n\n");
185 int main(int argc, array argv)
188 array opt = Getopt.find_all_options(argv,aggregate(
189 ({"update",Getopt.NO_ARG,({"-U","--update"})}),
190 ({"restart",Getopt.NO_ARG,({"-R","--restart"})}),
191 ({"nopath",Getopt.NO_ARG,({"-N","--no-path"})}),
193 options += mkmapping(opt[*][0], opt[*][1]);
194 options->src = argv[-2];
195 options->dest = argv[-1];
196 _Server=conn->SteamObj(0);
197 export_to_git(OBJ(options->src), options->dest, ({ OBJ("/home") }));
201 string dir_check(string def, string dir)
207 string oclass = OBJ(dir)->get_class();
208 if(oclass=="Container"||oclass=="Room") //if its a container/room like /sources , then last element of new doesn't get discarded.
211 y=2; //if it is a file like /sources/file , then file gets discarded because only sourced folder needs to be created
212 foreach(new[1..sizeof(new)-y] , string x)
215 if (!Stdio.is_dir(def+"/"+x))
221 if(oclass=="Container"||oclass=="Room")
223 return def+"/"+new[sizeof(new)-1]; //complete path to file or folder
229 arr = arr[0 .. sizeof(arr)-2]; //last "/" should not be counted
233 while (!Stdio.is_dir(temp*"/")) //checking what all directories need to be created
236 temp = temp[0 .. sizeof(temp)-2];
239 while(!Stdio.is_dir(dir) && flag==1) //flag is 1 means some directories have to be created. this loop creates the directories one by one.
241 temp = temp + ({ arr[x] });
249 void git_create_branch(string to)
251 string cur_time = replace(Calendar.now()->set_timezone("UTC")->format_nice(),([":":"-" , " ":"-"]));
252 Process.create_process(({ "git", "checkout", "--orphan", cur_time }), ([ "cwd": to ]))->wait();
253 Process.create_process(({ "git", "rm", "-rf", "."}),([ "cwd": to]))->wait();
257 void export_to_git(object from, string to, void|array exclude)
259 string complete_path;
261 git_create_branch(to);
262 if(!options->nopath) // only if paths have to be created
263 complete_path = dir_check(to,options->src);
264 git_object(from, to);
265 write("Commit message : sTeam export-to-git\n");
266 git_commit("sTeam export-to-git", to, "root", "root@localhost", 0, 1); //empty commit
267 sort(history->time, history);
268 foreach(history;; mapping doc)
271 string message = sprintf("%s - %d - %d", doc->obj->get_identifier(), doc->obj->get_object_id(), doc->version);
272 write("Commit message : "+message+"\n");
273 object author = doc->obj->query_attribute("DOC_USER_MODIFIED")||doc->obj->query_attribute("OBJ_OWNER");
274 string author_username = "unknown";
276 author_username = author->get_user_name();
277 string author_email = sprintf("%s@%s", author_username, _Server->get_server_name());
278 string hash = (string)git_commit(message, to, author->query_attribute("USER_FULLNAME"), author_email, doc->time);